Special Education
- Special education serves children with imotional Behavioral or cognitive impairments or with intellectual hearing vision speech and learning disabilities gifted children with advanced academic abilities and children with orthopedic or neurological impairments.
- Aim- to help the exceptional children to learn and aqure necessary skills for their self help independent living and leading by fulfilling needs .
- How to know when need – a child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disabilities that make it more difficult for them to learn that most children their age. They may have problem with school work, communication or behavior, parents can get help and advice from specialist.
- Trouble telling time
- Poor memories
- Clumsiness
- Trouble following directions
- Problem with reading and Writing
- Not follow instructions/ Oppositional behavior
- Hyper activity or Impulsetivity

Speech Therapy
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Hearing Aids
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Autism Treatment
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ABA Therapy
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